Privacy Policy

MaisonGlo® is dedicated to protecting your data privacy and safety. We want to be completely transparent about how we use it — this policy explains what data we collect about you, why and how we use it, as well as how we share and manage your information. It also provides your choices and rights regarding this data, so please read it carefully to be fully informed.

When you book a treatment or shop online with MaisonGlo® we collect your data in a variety of ways, including when you choose to share it with us.
When you purchase at a MaisonGlo® location, we may ask you for the following information to contact you about your purchase or send you a receipt via email. We do not issue paper receipts. You have the option to agree with or deny sharing this information with us.

• Name
• Email address
• Phone number

When you book a facial or make a purchase on MaisonGlo® website, we will ask for the following information. This information is necessary to collect payment, process & ship your order, and to communicate order status.

• Name
• Email address
• Shipping & Billing Address
• Phone number
• Payment details

Booking a facial will result in creating an account in Acuity, our third party booking software, and shopping online will result in creating an account. If you choose to create an account, we will create a profile containing your order history & stored addresses for easy access. All of your order history is stored within our system, so creating an account simply provides you with access to that information.